Heat Aclimation study
December 5, 2019 | 6years | General
In this study we will examine a range of mouth rinses during heat acclimation exercise in a hot environment.
Who can take part?
If you are 18-50 years old, a recreationally active and healthy individual and haven’t visited a hot climate (>30 degrees) or done any previous heat acclimation in the last 3 months. It is most suited towards very active individuals who enjoy pushing themselves during exercise to achieve the best results.
What’s involved?
The experimental study will involve exercise in a hot environment (~35 degrees) and administration of a mouth rinse containing water and a number of possible different flavour combinations.
The exercise test will include a series of sprints and steady state exercise for 1hr as part of a heat acclimation protocol over 5 continuous days. You will also have pre and post exercise tests.
What are the benefits of taking part?
You will be able to exercise in hot environment which elicits a range of physiological and sporting benefits both for competing in temperate and hot climates.
You will also receive exercise data that may be of use in future training programs and experience cutting edge research in our environmental facilities.
When is this taking place?
We will be running this project from the 17th of January through till the end of February.
Participation will require a total of 8 visits to the chamber made up of 2 pre acclimation tests, 5 consecutive days Monday- Friday and one post acclimation test (Time trial).
Participants will have to come in for either 9-11 am or 11-1pm, this must be kept consistent over the course of the 5 consecutive days.
Steph Bramley s.bramley@newcastle.ac.uk
Mathew Clarke m.clarke5@newcastle.ac.uk
This study will be supervised by Dr Owen Jeffries
Who can take part?
If you are 18-50 years old, a recreationally active and healthy individual and haven’t visited a hot climate (>30 degrees) or done any previous heat acclimation in the last 3 months. It is most suited towards very active individuals who enjoy pushing themselves during exercise to achieve the best results.
What’s involved?
The experimental study will involve exercise in a hot environment (~35 degrees) and administration of a mouth rinse containing water and a number of possible different flavour combinations.
The exercise test will include a series of sprints and steady state exercise for 1hr as part of a heat acclimation protocol over 5 continuous days. You will also have pre and post exercise tests.
What are the benefits of taking part?
You will be able to exercise in hot environment which elicits a range of physiological and sporting benefits both for competing in temperate and hot climates.
You will also receive exercise data that may be of use in future training programs and experience cutting edge research in our environmental facilities.
When is this taking place?
We will be running this project from the 17th of January through till the end of February.
Participation will require a total of 8 visits to the chamber made up of 2 pre acclimation tests, 5 consecutive days Monday- Friday and one post acclimation test (Time trial).
Participants will have to come in for either 9-11 am or 11-1pm, this must be kept consistent over the course of the 5 consecutive days.
Steph Bramley s.bramley@newcastle.ac.uk
Mathew Clarke m.clarke5@newcastle.ac.uk
This study will be supervised by Dr Owen Jeffries